Last day in Vallon and ancient art

After our busy and tiring days on the river, we've had a more relaxing day today. It's been partly spent preparing Bertie to move on, and partly spent visiting the Grotte Chauvet 2 to see the 36,000-year old artwork. The Grotte Chauvet 2 cave is the world's largest replica of a cave and is decorated... Continue Reading →

Planning, preparation and relaxation

I woke up feeling much better, apart from the itching bites on my legs. We are both covered in little pink spots but have never seen the culprits… there are no mozzies or midges to be seen anywhere! It’s a mystery! Although we don’t leave the campsite until Saturday, we’ll be away paddling for the... Continue Reading →

Via Ardèche bike ride

I've had a tough day today. 35 degrees is just too hot for me and I’ve really struggled. So much for it being cooler in September! Anyway, we’ve done a section of the Via Ardèche, a cycle path along an old railway. It was lovely, although I'd have enjoyed it far more if I hadn't... Continue Reading →

Paddling to Pont d’Arc

This morning we paddled from the campsite and under Pont d’Arc, which is said to be the world’s highest natural river arch with a river still beneath it. The 6 kilometre section of the Ardèche that we paddled today is really just a warm up paddle for the 2-day paddling and camping adventure in the... Continue Reading →

A normal holiday day?

Today we’ve had what I think most people would consider a ‘normal’ holiday day, without any long hikes, bike rides or similar. John did choose the walk into Vallon Pont d’Arc that went over a hill instead of along the flat road, but it was worth it. The path wound its way up through old... Continue Reading →

On the road to Vallon Pont d’Arc

We’ve travelled to Vallon Pont d’Arc today, where we’re staying for a week to do some pack rafting in the Ardèche Gorge. On the way we had a little detour to visit a waterfall, Cascade de la Beaume. It was a lovely walk through woodland, in dappled shade along a babbling brook. The rivers in... Continue Reading →

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