Some bad luck and Vieux-Nice

After an unlucky evening yesterday that left us unable to go on bikes, today we took the train to Nice to see the old town and check out arrangements for the rugby match tomorrow.

I noticed there was a free concert in the Hippodrome in Cagnes-sur-Mer yesterday evening… Beethoven’s 9th symphony… not usually our type of music but this was free and something different so we thought we’d go along. We’d just got down the hill into the town and I realised my back tyre was completely flat. Rather than binning off the evening and walking back to the campsite, John rode back to collect the spare inner tube and bike tools (which we hadn’t expected to need on a short trip on roads and cycle paths!) while I continued walking to the Hippodrome. We met up at the gates and John changed my inner tube. We finally got to the concert 30 minutes late but, luckily, just as the music started.

It was very pleasant listening to the music, in shorts and T shirts at 8 o’clock at night, watching the sunset over the sea, and the planes taking off and landing at Nice Airport. After the concert ended we went out and unlocked our bikes then John noticed his front tyre was flat! How unlucky is that?! Two punctures in one evening… probably from our previous ride. And we only had one spare inner tube. He carefully rode back and has bought another tube today.

We’ve been into Nice to do a recce for the rugby and to explore the old town, Vieux-Nice. The train journey into the city wasn’t pleasant. We had to wait about 30 minutes for a train, then it was absolutely packed, and very hot and sweaty. I’m not keen on having my nose in someone’s sweaty armpit! We were already thinking of cycling in for the rugby match and this, and the similar journey home, reinforced the decision. It’s less than an hour each way, mainly on cycle tracks, and there’s secure bike parking at the stadium so, assuming we don’t have any more punctures, it should be more straightforward than negotiating busy trains, trams and shuttle buses.

We wandered through the city streets to the Rugby Village, but it wasn’t open today. It’s situated in a park near the prom, by a lovely fountained area where I took my shoes off for a paddle, and the Place Masséna with it’s chequered paving and galleried buildings.

From here we went up to the prom… Quai des États Unis… before climbing the many steps to Tour Bellanda and Parc de la Colline Château with wonderful far-reaching views over the Baie des Anges on one side and Nice Port on the other. The sea is a beautiful azure blue and I can’t wait for the opportunity to swim in it.

On the way back down to the old town, we visited the Cascade du Château. the spray from the waterfall was lovely and refreshing. The forecast was for temperatures in the mid to high 20s today but John’s Garmin watch said it was 34 degrees. I was melting again… even John kept mopping his brow! Every time I try to make myself look respectable with groomed hair and a little make up, I just end up a frizzy, sweaty mess!

By now it was 2 o’clock and I was hot, tired and hangry as we wandered the narrow pedestrian alleys of the old town. There were are lots of beautiful buildings but I was at the point where I just needed a rest, a cold drink, and something delicious to eat. We found a restaurant down a quiet side street, which was perfect!

Suitably refreshed, we made our way back to the station to return to Cagnes-sur-Mer. The train back was again packed, hot and sweaty, and delayed… It reminded me of many trips into the office in Manchester! I was glad to get back to the campsite and have a cool shower. Now John’s fixing his tyre while I write my blog, looking forward to the game tomorrow.

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