Charroux, a very beaux village

We left the campsite after an awful night’s sleep. I was too hot and my mosquito bites were annoying me, then it started raining and huge drops from the trees kept plinking on Bertie’s roof. The 5-hour journey went really well though… apart from me dropping a stitch in my knitting and having a nightmare trying to sort it out! I’ll never finish these socks. 🤣

We’re now in a lovely free aire at Charroux, with a wonderful view over the valley and rolling hills. We’ve driven through rain but, by the time we got here, the sun was shining. It’s about 5 degrees colder than it was in Avignon though… long sleeves are definitely needed.

Charroux was once a Gallo-Roman military garrison and medieval town. It had two fortified walls with gates, and there’s plenty to see. We picked up a map from tourist information and explored. It didn’t take long because it’s small and compact.

Charroux’s history is well-preserved and, as one of France’s ‘Beaux Villages’ (most beautiful villages) it’s unspoilt and very pretty, with a faded and rustic charm.

The inhabitants obviously look after their village. There are flowers everywhere, the shutters are painted in lovely colours, and there are lots of quirky touches in the gardens and windows.

As well as several restaurants (none of which were open on a Tuesday evening in late October 😂), there are all sorts of artisan shops selling arts and crafts, and produce such as chocolates, biscuits, soap, candles, mustard, jams and chutneys.

After stopping for a beer and glass of rosé, we followed a geocache trail around the edge of the village. It was a lovely walk and the 7 caches were all interesting and not too challenging.

Now we’re tucked up in Bertie, full of pasta and hoping for a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow we head to another beaux village, Yèvre-le-Châtel.

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