Three circuits of Paris on a bus

Yesterday was mostly spent on the hop-on hop-off bus around the main sights in Paris. Despite going around three times 😆 we still managed to walk 16000 steps… busy day!

We started by walking to Notre Dame to get on the bus then, as we’d just missed it, walking back towards the Louvre to another stop. There we found a seat on the top deck of the first bus that arrived and sat back to enjoy the ride.

The commentary was interesting and it was a great way to see sights such as Notre Dame, the Louvre, Musée d’Orsay, Arc de Triomphe, Grand Palais, Trocadero, Eiffel Tower and Les Invalides.

We were going to get off the bus at Galeries Lafayette because I wanted to see their renowned Christmas display. However, the area outside the store was so busy we changed our minds. This decision was reinforced when the people in the front seat left and we managed to grab the prime spot for a better view.

By now, the sun was beginning to drop and the light on the buildings was lovely… not that you can tell from my photos, taken on a moving bus through a streaky window!

The second bus circuit was much faster than the first, partly because the traffic seemed lighter, but also because the driver changed and the second one seemed to have a need for speed!

When we’d been round the route twice, we decided it was time to stop for a wee and something to eat and drink. We hopped off by the Seine and found a lovely bar. Unfortunately, they weren’t serving food but, after having a beer, we grabbed a sandwich and a bottle of water from a nearby patisserie.

Now it was time for bus circuit number three. I was keen to see the city lit up with twinkly lights, and I wasn’t disappointed. By now it was rush hour and the traffic was manic. We made very slow progress but enjoyed seeing Paris as darkness fell.

The Champs Elysée was particularly busy and the street was full of buses, cars, taxis, scooters and bikes jostling for position. There were also hundreds of pedestrians trying to get good shots of the Arc de Triomphe and the lights in the trees lining the avenue. How nobody got run over, I will never know because they were stepping back into the traffic to get the perfect shot for Instagram!

By now it was rather cold on the open top deck of the bus and we snuggled into our coats, enjoying the view so much we didn’t want to go inside.

The Eiffel Tower was stunning covered with sparkly lights, and visible from much of the bus route.

The journey back towards the city centre was slow and there was no sign of the traffic easing. By now I was shattered, having only had 4 hours sleep for the last three nights. I was ready for a meal, then tucking up in bed.

We left the bus near the Opéra and walked to Tour Saint-Jacques where John had spotted several small cafés and restaurants in the square. Once there, we found the perfect Italian bistro to relax and refuel.

From the bistro, it was a pleasant 20 minute walk back to the apartment, past more twinkly lights. It was a long but lovely day and fulfilled my goal of seeing the sights at night. That said, I was glad to fall into bed, and grateful for the 9 hours sleep that followed.

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